Monday, March 31, 2008


So I've found the contact for the Printing House on Finch.

I'm going to give them a call tomorrow and hopefully figure something out. I also emailed Wyman Chu and waiting on a response from her. I want to hear from her before I contact the guy in St. Catherine's.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Continued Work

So I'm almost finished the design of my book. Here are a couple more screen pics enjoy!

This one of my favourite spreads, its the one that distorts the type the most in the entire book, one can barely read it, unless they take the time to look at it closely.

This is my introduction page, the tect here is much smaller than the rest of the book, the image is adjusted from a picture I took in a weird exhibit in London.

The half

This is the new and updated cover...I didn't want to go all out and give away everything the book had to offer.